A Regenerative Reset: Redefining Remote Work at an Eco-Village in the French Countryside

Are you a remote worker craving more than just a change of scenery for your workcation? Inesto's upcoming “Roots Coliving” immerses you in the rhythms of an innovative eco-village tucked away in the Ardèche region of France. More than just a unique place to remote work, this is an opportunity to experience firsthand what the future of regenerative living can look like.


At the heart of the Ardèche's forested hills lies Grain & Sens a thriving bilingual community pioneering a radically sustainable way of life. This vibrant eco-village serves as a living lab prototyping localized, circular systems for food, shelter, resources, and more. From permaculture gardens to natural building methods, they tenderly nurture the land that nourishes them in return.

The collective of Grain & Sens Ecovillage

Our intimate residency "Roots Coliving" lets you go behind the scenes to integrate into Grain & Sens's daily routines and participate in hands-on workshops led by the eco-villagers themselves. You'll have the chance to get your hands in the soil, learn about no-waste cooking from foraged wild edibles, construct with earth-based materials, and absorb traditional craftwork. Much more than just conceptual lessons, these immersive experiences allow you to embody regenerative principles into your lived reality.

At the same time, we create an intentional space for you to enjoy the flexibility and productivity of your remote lifestyle. The beautifully handcrafted accommodations blend modern comforts like reliable WiFi with ecological design principles using raw, natural materials. Dedicated co-working periods alternate with transformative activities, so you can blend periods of deep workflow with opportunities to disconnect back into nature's calming rhythms.

The home of Grain&Sens is called Lavenant in Boffres, Ardeche 

Whether you join us solo or as part of a remote team, this residency is designed to facilitate profound personal resets, creative renewal, and lasting connections with kindred nomads. Together you'll envision new possibilities for merging work and life in better harmony. How might we craft vibrant communities that blend technological innovation with ancient wisdom? What could a remote work commune of the future look like? You'll have the unique chance to prototype those ideas in real time.

Beyond the eco-village itself, the Ardèche region offers stunning natural scenery to explore during curated micro-adventures. From rugged gorges and lush vineyards to medieval villages and chestnut forests, you'll see firsthand how this territory's rural regeneration efforts are redefining its identity. You'll return revitalized and inspired, with a renewed perspective on more sustainable paths forward.

"With Ideas We Grow"  Cannoli workshop - March 2024 - Inesto

This isn't just a remote work experience - it's an opportunity to immerse yourself in one of the most innovative expressions of eco-living today. To participate is to have a rare window into the philosophies and practices driving the global movement toward regenerative societies in deeper balance with our planet and our truest human potential.

Regenerative placemaking 

Recreating vibrant places in harmony with local territories

Our experiences and partners are not just living spaces for our communities, but also hubs of territorial regeneration where we reinvent the connection to the land and local communities.

"In Rural We Trust"  Placemaking workshop - November 2023 - Inesto

Through a placemaking approach, we reimagine the design of our inhabited spaces to make them more welcoming, inclusive, and imbued with the spirit of place. We value local knowledge and skills, the use of natural and healthy materials, and regenerative design in symbiosis with the environment.  

Our places then become anchors for an entire region - catalysts for human-scale artisanal, agricultural, cultural, and economic activities. They breathe new vitality into rural areas while preserving their unique character.

The Cooperative Oasis

An interconnected archipelago to spread the seeds of change

Although sovereign, our oases are not isolated islands. We form a vast mutual aid network through the La Cooperative Oasis, which federates more than 1200 ecological communities in France, including Grain & Sens ecovillage where this coliving experience takes place.

This mutual cooperative aims to bring together, exchange, and grow the various initiatives. It allows for capitalizing on each other's experiences, solving difficulties collectively, and creating fertile synergies.

Festival Oasis 2023

La Cooperative Oasis is also a space for developing new collective projects such as training programs, political advocacy campaigns, or creating shared tools. It embodies the power of collective intelligence serving the ecological transition of territories.

Thus assembled, the seeds of change that we individually sow in our respective oases reinforce each other to spread and give rise to a true societal movement. More and more citizens are joining these oases like Grain & Sens to live differently and let their creativity vibrate in service of the upcoming metamorphosis.

Experience the future of Regenerative Living

From May 27 to June 12, you can immerse yourself in the rhythms of Grain & Sens ecovillage through Inesto's specially curated coliving residency. More than just a remote work retreat, this is a chance to embody what an integrated model of sustainable living can look and feel like.

Romain and Stefano will lead "Roots Coliving" and will facilitate the experience. Participate in hands-on workshops, join community activities, co-create alongside the eco-villagers, and bask in the natural splendor of the Ardèche region. This is an invitation to envision how we can harmonize technological innovation with ancient wisdom to revitalize our planet and catalyze personal transformation.

"With Ideas We Grow"  rural entrepreneurship workshop - March 2024 - Inesto

Don't miss this chance to glimpse the future we are all co-creating. Join us in our "Roots Coliving" in the French countryside to experience the ethos of the global regenerative movement first-hand. 

Spaces are limited to 12  for this genuine transformative journey to find again Roots. If you're ready to catalyze your reset and gain tangible insights into what the future could hold, co-create this experience with us in the French countryside this early summer. 

Your remote work life may never be the same.

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