We are a community of changemakers designing experiences to generate an impact on people, territories, and society with kindness.

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Inesto's mission is to connect rural areas and villages with digital nomads, remote workers, freelancers, and artists to empower communities through cultural exchange, art residency, and international community-local inhabitants exchanges. 

Ah, we measure our and your impacts.


A Pathway Through Collective Regeneration, Kindness and Happiness

We use time as a tool because in all our projects, the identification of the temporary allows us to experiment with new creative paradigms, and for the locals, it is a living example of what is possible. We use time as a motivator for bringing outside personal and collective energies. Having a deadline is a strong input for giving your best, facing the unknown, and rediscovering yourself. Our concept of experiences allows us to create the best fit for our partners, also creating a continuous and controlled flow of people and energies. We are meant to leave no traces but create new pathways together.

We feel strongly about the way these ideas are created and shared. They often involve teams of people such as partners, occupants, or residents working together to translate an idea into a meaningful experience and service. We believe that each experience is a composition that is created at the crossroads of the implications of all stakeholders. It is experienced in collective satisfaction as well as in difficult situations, where looking together at the problems makes it possible to build trust and confidence.

We can go, work, and live anywhere. We decided to go rural, to give attention and take care of all the forgotten and underrated areas because when you can choose, your decision matters. Every little daily decision produces an effect, and giving a specific direction to your choices generates awareness. We take care of giving an impact to your choices, to create a better living environment, to create a sustainable flow of energies, people, and income for our homes.

Every project of experience and every collaboration begins with an immersion and with deep listening to stories, needs, intuitions, and goals. What do we feel is right to bring up, what do we need to proceed in another way? We suit in co-creation tailor-made solutions that are always the result of encounters between the existing context, the intentions we bring to it, and the impact that we want to generate.

We're all about art. Creativity is a force that drives us to do things differently. It's the energy to want to invent, the ability to question oneself. The creativity of artists, how they see the world, and the relationship created by sharing the same space and time is fundamental in all our experiences. We promote the integration of different disciplines because we believe that every action can be done with a poetic and artistic view. Sharing time and space, interacting with what is different allows us to better see the intersection between different fields and explore all the possibilities of collaborations. And we shake it up with daily and work life because when you put together the most distant worlds, you manage the encounter with kindness and an open heart. You can create more interesting visions.

We aim to create a space where you can bring your world and mix it with other universes. Living and working together with other professionals can offer another point of view and enrichment. We want to facilitate the connection also with the inhabitants to create a temporary cultural hub where people from different social backgrounds, cultures, and generations can learn how to coexist and generate new input for creating a better world.

We believe that transformative change, whether in the individual or in society, can occur only through the medium of deeply personal participation. We achieve being through doing. Everyone is invited to work. Everyone is invited to play. We make the world real through actions that open the heart. We believe in our collective capacity and how everyone can participate in it, creating more value. For us, every experience is a journey, an imaginary which materializes in new possibilities. Taking part as an active member of this temporary Tribe, sharing your competencies as a service for the collective good and receiving back, is one of our fundamentals. We share more than time and space, and increasing this method as a normal act in your daily life is a bond for the community and service for others, which elevates yourself and sometimes makes you rediscover your inner talents. With our Remote Experiences, we aim to promote this between the participants and between the local partners as an integrated part of the experience itself. With our energy, we can create a more equal, lively, and happier world.

Trust is the foundation of everything we do. We are clear about our goals, our methods, and how we work to create benefits and impact, and we are aware of the importance of building trusting relationships and how this warmth is profoundly transformative. Even when difficult things happen, you know how smooth it is to have around you a real network based on it. Sharing it and promoting it is not just a tool for living and working better but is the road we want to walk on.

It's simple: be kind, always, with everyone and even with yourself.

Here we go. The secret ingredient of our recipe, a pinch of happiness here and there, because at the end of the day, there is nothing more important than this. Create impact, be sustainable, generate positive changes, and share the Love for what we do. Be open to receiving and sharing what you have. We are going to make our table longer, building bridges without limitations to create a better world to live in.



Inesto is a cultural and creative industry hosting professionals changemakers who design creative experiences in rural areas to generate a positive and balanced impact on people, territories, and society. 



Kindness and collective empowerment are the pathways we have decided to follow to creatively generate impact by involving rural areas, villages, and European communities to redesign a network of creative and digital hubs.

 We imagine new rhythms and alternative horizons.

 One experience at a time to rediscover another way is possible, it is here and it is now.


As a mission-driven social impact startup, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is at the heart of our business. We don't just pay lip service - we allocate 5% of profits directly towards facilitating high-impact CSR projects and initiatives.

Our suite of CSR services caters to corporate, nonprofit and public sector organizations looking to create tangible positive impacts aligned with their ESG (environmental, social, governance) goals. Our offerings span:

Regenerative Placemaking - We design and implement place-based CSR projects centered around community economic development, cultural heritage preservation, rural revitalization and more. This allows organizations to anchor initiatives in a specific geography.

Impact Measurement & Reporting - Drawing from robust ESG frameworks, we provide comprehensive measurement, data analysis and reporting to quantify and articulate the multi-dimensional impacts achieved through CSR programs.

Skills-Based Employee Engagement - Our immersive residency model facilitates skills-transfer and cultural exchange by integrating skills-based volunteering components where participants actively support local communities.

CSR Strategy & Program Design - We advise on crafting impactful CSR strategies tailored to your organization's unique social and environmental commitments. This includes program design, theory of change development, and sustainable funding models.

Our end-to-end CSR solutions ensure initiatives go beyond just philanthropy towards facilitating lasting empowerment, regeneration and positive systemic change within communities. We practice absolute transparency through impact data and ESG reporting.

When you partner with us, you tap into a global network of local insights, grassroots relationships and on-the-ground capacities to amplify the real-world effects of your CSR efforts. Join us in being a force for good.


Our parallel non-profit organization serves as a catalyst for rural revitalization through culture, creativity and grassroots innovation. We fundamentally believe in the transformative power of the arts and community-driven placemaking.

The world's rural areas and villages contain rich cultural heritage and latent potential that is too often overlooked or under-valued. Our mission is to breathe new life into these places by facilitating:

Artistic Residencies - We host immersive, skills-sharing residencies that allow artists, creatives and cultural practitioners to live, work and co-create amongst local communities. This cross-pollination sparks inspiration and meaningful exchange.

Urban Regeneration Solutions - We collaborate with municipalities, local stakeholders and urban planners to design context-appropriate solutions for regenerating downtowns, rehabilitating historic sites and activating underutilized spaces.

Social Innovation Programs - Our human-centered programs empower communities to identify key challenges and co-develop innovative, contextualized models for areas like education, economic development, civic engagement and more.

Rather than prescribing top-down solutions, our catalyst role focuses on equipping local change agents and amplifying the voices/capabilities already present in communities. We provide frameworks, processes and partnerships that unlock grassroots creativity and self-directed problem-solving.

It's about reshaping mindsets and systems to optimize how we live, work and experience life together. Welcoming diverse perspectives, sharing knowledge and resources, and creating balanced reciprocity between people, place and purpose.

Our vision is a decentralized network of creative community hubs that serve as decentralized nodes for collaborative exploration. These multi-use spaces bring together locals, artists, travelers and other stakeholders to co-create innovative models for harmonious living and shared prosperity.

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Settle in your next nest with us

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